Rihanna sledgehammer key
Rihanna sledgehammer key

As Rihanna said: “Sometimes the ones who have sight are the blindest.Fashion entrepreneur and pop singer Rihanna is working with advisers on taking her lingerie company Savage X Fenty public through an initial offering that could value the company at $3 billion, sources say. Sadly, not unlike young Rihanna, most of the world does not understand the elite’s language. The occult elite loves to expose the masses to that narrative because, right before our eyes, they are telling us exactly how they control these stars and, on a wider scale, how they control the world. If you’ve read other articles on this site, you’ve probably noticed that this narrative (and the color codes accompanying it) have been used countless times, on countless young pop stars. After the destruction of one’s original self, the only thing that remains is that artificially created, black-dressed persona that is seen around the world, but that is pretty much dead inside. Reaching that rarefied status comes at a cost: One must give up one’s “old-self” to embrace a new persona “tailor-made” by the elite. They explain who really rules the industry and what is required from stars to become SUPERstars. The ANTIdiaRY videos depict, in a very symbolic matter, the inner workings of the music industry. She is now a product of the music industry. Rihanna is a star, but her true self is gone. When she goes back to her original room, things are different. She then enters the offices of the higher-ups of the occult elite and is given the crown making her “royalty” in the industry. Lured in by the elite’s crown, Rihanna is sucked into the music industry’s machine, complete with high-tech studios that emit supernatural power. After her initiation into the industry and now dressed in all black, Rihanna performs a blood sacrifice and tastes super-stardom. Her journey begins as an innocent, white-clad girl. The story told through the videos show Rihanna going through an occult transformation as she rises in status in the music industry. The “eye in the sky” will never stop watching her from now on. She sees a huge star surrounded by a circle. It is about initiation, submission, and control. And the elite takes pride in making talents reenact their own “selling out” in music videos. Using the same symbolism and color codes I’ve outlined in several articles in the past, the ANTIdiaRY videos describe the process required from a young star to access the higher echelons of the music industry.

rihanna sledgehammer key

The message does not come from Rihanna, it comes from those who control her. That is because it is coded with the occult language of the elite.

rihanna sledgehammer key

Yes, the message of ANTIdaRY is indeed “of so much substance” and it is true that most “people won’t understand” it. So my voice is not my weakness, It is the opposite of what others are afraid of. What I choose to say is of so much substance That people just won’t understand the depth of my message. It is simply because what I want to say, what I need to say, won’t be heard. I sometimes fear that I am misunderstood. In the background is a poem by Chloë Mitchell written in braille. – Vanity Fair, Roy Nachum, the Artist Behind Rihanna’s Anti Cover, Explains What It All Means Most of Nachum’s works include subjects with obstructed eyesight and corresponding messages in Braille.

rihanna sledgehammer key rihanna sledgehammer key

The cover image is actually part of the Israeli-born artist’s “Blind” series, which largely focuses on the concepts of inner and outer vision and the metaphor of “opening” viewers’ eyes. The ANTi album cover features a picture of Rihanna as a little girl (reportedly from her first day at daycare).

Rihanna sledgehammer key